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Jim Kelly

Fellow Committee Memember

I respect Michelle and have enjoyed serving alongside her for the past 2 years. While we do not always share the same opinion on a subject, Michelle does a great job listening carefully to others and explaining her point in a clear manner. Quite often we are able to find a middle ground which ends up a better decision that if either of our own stance had been acted on. I support Michelle in her bid for re-election and I ask other residents of Framingham to do the same.

Christopher S Lorant

Pct 1   

I had the opportunity to have a very good chat with Michelle when Jason Smith hosted a fundraiser/meet and greet for her.  She took the time to answer my questions thoroughly and professionally. Her experience and accomplishments will continue to bring new and bright ideas to the School Committee going forward.  Please cast one of your votes for Michelle for School Committee on April 4th.

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Mike Bower

I'll be voting for Michelle Brosnahan for School Committee on April 4th. I encourage all of my Framingham friends to do the same.

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